Monday, February 15, 2010

Hamburger or Cheesburger?

We had a few bar-B-ques to go to last summer.  I did a Hamburger for the first one and it was such a hit.  But Mark said he wished it had some cheese on it.  So I did a Cheeseburger for the second.  Both came with a small order of fries and a side of ketchup.
The buns are yellow cake and the meat is chocolate cake.  They are covered in butter cream and have real sesame seeds on top.  The lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and cheese are rolled out and flattened large gum drops, as well as the fries.  The ketchup and mustard is just butter cream frosting.  This was all in fun!
September 2009

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You truely are amazing. Do you hire out to travel? Needing an 18 year old cake and a graduation cake. How much do you charge to travel???